Choose Your Membership Access

Each tier of membership offers escalating levels of benefits and privileges, ensuring that you receive the personalized attention and guidance you need to succeed.
From a community engagement platform, exclusive content, digital downloads to one to one consultations, our program is meticulously crafted to support your growth and development as a permaculture practitioner.



*Access to Discord Community with the following channels:

# 💭┃general-chat
# 🌇┃urban-gardening
# 🥕┃garden-layouts

* Member Polls

*Monthly Live Q&A calls



Gold Member



* Weekly one-hour personalized mentorship session tailored to you with the goal of advancing your personal project.

During these sessions, we will provide you with the detailed personal guidance and expert techniques to help you progress toward your desired goals, whether it’s your own permaculture design or any other homesteading project you need a feedback and guidance on.

* 20% Discount on our Permaculture Design Services for your family and friends.

Because of increased interaction levels on our part, there are only a limited number of spaces available for this tier!

A side profile of a woman in a russet-coloured turtleneck and white bag. She looks up with her eyes closed.

“What permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet.”

~ David Suzuki

Connect With Others Passionate About Permaculture And Sustainable Living

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Modern residential building facade decorated with green plants

Experience The Power Of Group Learning And Collective Wisdom

Engage with fellow members who share your passion for sustainable living, and tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience. Through collaborative learning sessions, workshops, and discussions, you’ll gain fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and practical solutions to apply in your own permaculture journey. Together, we harness the collective intelligence of our community to tackle challenges, inspire creativity, and foster personal growth. Join us and experience the synergy of learning and thriving together.